Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Prayer for America and Its People

Dear Readers,

The economy has taken a toll on our families and our businesses. With the collapse of the economy there just isn't the volume of work out there we need to sustain operations at comfortable levels.  We have had to cut back, and in many cases, have had to say good bye to employees that  had over the years become close friends.

This afternoon I want to offer a prayer on behalf of all that make their living working in the United States of America.

Heavenly Father,

In these trying times I ask that You would look down upon us.  That You would see our plight, that You would have mercy upon us.  That You would make work where there is no work.  That You would provide for our needs where there seems no provision is possible.  Father God, please provide for our needs and bless our lives during these difficult times. Lead us to find a way to provide for our families and employees where there seems to be no way.  Father God, Your Word says that where two or more are gathered in Jesus' name you will be there.  We, as a large group of people reading this message, are a gathering and we know that You will hear our prayer.  By this Prayer, we ask that You will bless the working people and the businesses that employ them. That You will hear the crying of their hearts.  That You will restore financial prosperity to the United States of America and to the people who inhabit the land.  In Jesus' Name we pray.    Amen and Amen
If you have read and prayed this prayer, I ask that you pass it on to others that you know and work with. It will be only through Prayer that this Country will be restored.
Be encouraged as you go about the activities of this day

Are you a Born Again Christian?


Tony Whyte
The Victoria House Company
Southern Crossings Gate Systems / GateBuilder Gate Kits

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