Friday, March 7, 2014

My Government - This is my take for today!

Why does the U.S. Government want to keep gas prices high and Kraise taxes at the pump?

I'm going to make it real short this afternoon.

Because of fracking, supplies of crude oil is increasing daily driving down the cost of prices at the pump.  The Obama Administration has done everything in its power to restrict supplies of domestic oil to artificially drive up the cost of gas at the pump. Why? To make green energy products competitive in the market and push their global warming agenda..  If gas prices continue to fall the green energy program that Obama has invested trillions of dollars in is doomed to complete failure.
In addition, the global warming initiative will be delt a devastating setback.

Why increase taxes at the pump?  To keep the green energy dream and global warming hoax alive!
The 2014 Elections are just around the corner. Better Vote Wisely.  Choosing new blood to represent the American people at all levels of government is vital to America's future.

This is my take for today!

I welcome comments

Tony Whyte
GateBuilder Gate Products

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