Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let's Look at America's Educational System

The Left or Progressive movement in the United States and around the world would have you believe that our educational system is inferior and broken.  What is the real truth?  The United States not only educate the youth of America, they educate the best and brightest of students from all around the world.  The Media should take a look at the statistics about how the general population of youth across the globe are sorely neglected unlike the youth of America

We need to stand up and demand that the Left Wing Media stop the assault on America's proven educational model. 

We need to acknowledge all that we do right in America and around the globe to educate those that seek a quality education.  We even educate the youth of our sworn enemies.  What other country in world does that?

Write your Congressman.  Demand that we begin to look at America for what She is.
Demand that truth needs to come forth from our Government and the leaders we have elected.  Stop supporting left wing media outlets.

I urge you to vote conservative. Restore our great country and the restore national pride.  

This is one man's opinion.
I welcome your thoughts.

Tony Whyte
The Victoria House Company
Southern Crossings Gate Systems / GateBuilder Gate Frames
619 729 0420   

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