Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vote to Defeat the Left Wing Progressive Movement in 2012

Dear readers,
Israel is our Friend.  They share our values.  We as a country we have vowed to support and protect them.
Why is the President unilaterally siding with the Palestinians?   Why is he unilaterally changing the U.S. stance on keeping our commitments to Israel?  Is Obama beholden to World Powers? Is he really a Muslim?  Is he really part of the powerful world movement advocating "One World Order"?  believe. You better believe he is all of these things and more.  He has and will continue to undermine Israel at every turn.  World peace is dependent on cutting the Obama Administration off at the knees.  The only thing that will do this to remove him and his administration from office and begin to purge the government of the people supporting his administration and the cause for establishing the "One World Order".

America, please stand up and take notice. When Obama promised "Fundamental Change" he overwhelmingly meant moving toward the "One World Order".  If you want a strong America with a restoration of the American way of life, it is imperative that we take action NOW! 

Stand up for Israel, they have a right to exist in their ancestral homeland.  Peace will only come with a show of courage and support in what ever form that is needed with regard to Israel's welfare.  A strong and lasting Israel is the key to mid east peace; not capitulation to the demands of the Palestinian leadership. The only thing they understand is the exertion of strength as a deterrent against their aggression.

Obama is not his own man, he is rather walking to drum of a much larger world movement.

Stand up for America, work to defeat Obama and the other Progressives in Office. Work to elect conservative main stream people to represent us in Washington. 

These are times of crisis and we are the crossroads of history.
I am writing this from an informed point of view.  You can too if you take the time to put the pieces together.

I invite your comments!
Tony Whyte
The Victoria House Company
Southern Crossings Gate Systems / GateBuilder Gate Kits

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